Skills, Strategies and Habits for academic success

  • 4 Steps to take when too tired/unmotivated

    Pomodoro Technique

    Make studying fun (or at least more tolerable)

    Role Model/Body Double technique

    Writing 5 paragraph essays using organizers

    Cornell Note taking method

    Self-advocacy in the classroom

    “Ask one good question” technique

    Importance of a good night’s sleep

    How nutrition and exercise affects learning

    Meditation to develop the “focus muscle”

    Documentary Star Technique

    Tips for effective collaboration

  • Brain reset through movement

    Gamifying study for motivation and focus - Play “Beat the Clock”

    “Nothing But…” technique to increase focus and efficiency through reduction of cognitive switching penalties

    “Amnesia” Technique

    WOOP or SMART goals

    Organization and time management through use of a planner

    “Next Notes” in unfinished projects

    Organization through use of folders (physical or digital)

    Batch Tasking

    Paragraph summaries for reading comprehension

  • Spaced Repetition

    8 Ways to better make and study flashcards

    Improving memory

    Memorization Techniques

    Taking great notes

    Overcoming cell phone distraction & addiction

    Feynman Technique

    Dr. Lobdell’s Study Less, Study Smart tips

    Habit Tracking to create good habits - Martin System

    Sharpening The Saw

    Text Annotation

    Answering Essay Questions

you will be

more motivated, confident and focused with effective study habits

you will have

lifelong STUDY SKILLS AND HABITS for success

Videos on the brain and learning…

The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain